My first video- we had to choose a work of art that we like and reinterpret it as a video. I used a photograph that my friend Erin took of the carousel on the National Mall. I'll put that up here too when I get back to my own computer.
Here is the photo:
too bad my tripod sucks and that people like to hit the lights.
i think this one needs to be big to see all the details and stuff that happens, but i think it's very well done. my favorite parts are the flashing lights on the carousel and the piece of trash that goes by.
It's good, but a little choppy.
Yeah, the scenes are fairly disjointed and a bit off alignment, but the idea was strong and the cleanliness within the piece further fortified it.
This is cool - the settle movements were nice especially with the fluff ball thing moving in the beginning. The movements really brought the painting to life. Nice work.
Overall, I really like the idea behind it- although I think it probably lost a lot of quality in the upload, which is too bad, because I didn't read the piece of trash as, well, a piece of trash. But I love the idea of having the animals and the lady on the carousel move, as well as the flashing lights on the top of the carousel. WHat I had the most problem with was the way the images seemed to jump around- it was kind of distracting when all I wanted to do was concentrate on the movement within the piece itself. But I love the idea, and the picture itself was beautifully done.
I agree with it being a little disjointed and broken up but it was an interesting idea to make a painting from a photograph.
the animation went well. you can tell what you were recreating. although, the beginning of the second video is a little confusing as to whats going on. other than that..good work.
Next time, borrow my tripod fool! Anyways, killer job on this. I'm impressed I can't even tell where you painted over the image, there don't seem to be track marks (although everyone seems to love those, so that might be a bad thing). It moves smoothly except for the filming.
I like the idea of turning a photo into a painting because it's basically the opposite of what most people did (turning a painting into real life objects). I agree with everyone else that the way the painting kind of "jumps" and changes sizes is distracting and takes away from the movements that are happening within the painting.
you did a really nice job painting this. i admire your ambition to take on such a time consuming project. you probably could have made the painting horizontal, even though the original photo isn't. this could have helped make the camera shake less obvious because you wouldn't have had to worry about those borders.
oh tight its my picture. and the painting is cool too!
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